3 Ways to Help Your Posture for a Long and Tall Spine:
3 Ways to help stack your head above a long and tall spine:
Some people try straps or taping to pull the posture into a different position.
Regular Pilates exercise works wonders.
Yet another way is to set a reminder that goes off rather frequently.
Maybe every 15 minutes, you take the moment to reassess and feel-out your posture.
Make the adjustments where they'd be welcome.
We will do all of these in class this week! Then you can add them into your life.
I'll teach the workshops. Here's what you need to do:
Find an 8ft strap. I attached 3 belts. Have a rope?
Have a hydration station :) More things to prepare before classes here.
Let me know what your goals are. I plan nice classes around them.
*Come to class this week/weekend*
Do a Recording on your own time
Hip Extensions Workshop (55min) HERE
Support these workshops here.
2 Belts + 1 Robe Tie
= 1 Chest and Shoulder Opener
Thanks a bunch, and have a good time.